Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Price of Honesty?

This is in response to Pritish Nandy's article on Corruption.

The article is utterly boring with nothing new said.  Just after the mention of several leaders engaged in their pursuit of India's destiny, by claiming that "What no one figures is that at the heart of all our problems lies Corruption." you have shown the ease of generalization that will form a fruitless conversation with an ignoramus passing time on a railway station. What value do you bring by this "figuring out"? Isn't this a retrospective observation?

You make no mention of the RTI Act. There are numerous examples of small and large RTI successes some of which are collected on the RTI wiki. Here are a few examples:
RTI is a valuable weapon that the democracy has given us to fight corruption. If an information is seeked from a PIO and is not provided within a fixed number of days, some government official may have to pay fine out of their own pocket at up to the rate of Rs 250 per day. 

Instead of keeping thumping your chests, look around yourself and find out the positive developments. RTI activists and other NGOs are working daily to improve the situation. If you have time, subscribe to, "Hum Janenge" yahoo group, or other groups. Join them in their battles -- they need you.

In short, the author seems to have spent no longer in writing the article than I spent reading it. The proverbial choice is in our hands: keep saying the old things again and again, or do something new.

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